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Advocate questions police in Bhopal killing, everything was turning in their favour’,

Advocate questions police in Bhopal killing, everything was turning in their favour’,

The defense advocate has questioned the police and government narrative on Bhopal killing of the SIMI members. Speaking to SouthLive advocate Thahavur Khan said there is a conspiracy behind the killing. “The trial was about to finish. I have visited the jail several times. It is highly guarded. One cannot escape easily from there”, he said.

The trial was going on and there are only 18 to 20 witnesses remaining. Being their lawyer, I can say that there was no ample evidence against them, factually or legally. There is no reason for them to break the jail. The court judgement was expected to come out in weeks, most probably in their favour. Thahavur Khan, Advocate

The advocate rubbished the claims about the ‘jailbreak’ asking, “why would they do such a thing when they knew that they are going to be acquitted?”

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He further said that it was “shocking” for him to hear the news, who also alleged that there is a “huge conspiracy” behind it.

“Those men were saying they have total faith in the judiciary. It was very shocking for me when I heard about the jailbreak and the subsequent encounter. I told their family that there is something fishy in this and there is a lie. There is a huge conspiracy behind it  Tahavur Khan, Advocate”

Even the security is tight in the jail. I had been there number of times. It is one of the safest and secure jail in India. These people used to stay in the under trial wards. There is seven layer security. The police are talking rubbish things like they crossed over and killed etc. Why they would do such a thing when they know that they are going to be acquitted

Thahavur Khan, Advocate

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Thahavur demanded a high-level enquiry into the ‘encounter killing’ to chuck out the truth.

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