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SDPI organized harmony meet to pave the way to unity among marginalized sections

SDPI organized harmony meet to pave the way to unity among marginalized sections

New Delhi : The Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) has organized Harmony Meet in the national capital with a slogan ‘…to pave the way to unity among marginalized sections’, attended by heads of several socio-political organizations. The meeting started with a short address by Party’s National General Secretary Elyas Muhammad Thumbe.


In his address Party Vice President Adv. Sharfuddin Ahmed talked about how the values of equality, human dignity and justice and virtues of the Constitution were thwarted and the subterranean clash between the old social order and the Constitution of India. He blamed the deep influence of the old social system in practice wherein a human being is identified on the basis of his birth. He said had there been the democracy in our country been operated in spirit and practice enshrined in the Constitution of India with the provisions to overcome the evils and strengthen the democracy, there would not have been the discrimination among citizenry based on their castes.


Sharfuddin said the micro-minority succeeding in controlling the levers of the power of the State, widened the cleavage between privileged classes and marginalized classes on account of sectarian and corrupt politics thus caused more weaknesses to the system of democracy in the country.

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Party president A Sayeed in his address said, the divisive tendencies have permeated to the last layer of the society making the mockery of our democracy which has been made captive in to the hands of capitalists, casteists and communal power. He termed communalism, casteism, global fascism, Indian fascism and corruption as the biggest issues before us and appealed the heads of participating organizations to come forward together and fight the corrupt political system which is nothing but a deadly black shade turned into shelter in disguise pretending to be the saviors of the oppressed.Sayeed appealed to the participants that, rather than an opportunity to share anxieties, we hope that this occasion would open a door towards harmony and send a message of co-existence to the people.


In a veiled attack on the Modi led BJP Government at the Centre Delhi SDPI President Adv. Aslam Ahmed said, our federal system as well as Parliamentary form of the government is under danger from hackers and dark forces who want to turn the entire system upside down by injecting obscurantism, conservatism and mythological stories. The weaker sections are being misled to misplaced aspirations that create enmity among the groups that having common enemy, but suffering groups time to time are misused to fight against each other. He further said, the ailments are increasing day by day and the enemy is free to put them one by one under its onslaught. The majority of population feel helpless and powerless because it has got no mechanism to absolve itself from falsely created situations and circumstances.

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Introducing the Party before the eminent activists and dignitaries, General Secretary Elyas Thumbe said SDPI presents a well-settled principle of social democracy before the nation which is controlled by the virtues of the Constitution of India, where equality and human dignity is password to enter in to the project of the Democracy of the country, keeping in view of the existence of thousands of the castes, communities and social groups of the country. He said the SDPI is an inclusive, progressive and internally democratic political party which is active throughout the country inviting people from every section of society to come in to its fold to reinvent new politics so that we may shape our destiny by controlling the establishment in accordance with the wishes of the people.

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