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Two top US lawmakers introduce bill  to declare Pak a terrorist state.

Two top US lawmakers introduce bill to declare Pak a terrorist state.

In the US, two influential lawmakers have introduced a bill in the House of Representatives to designate Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism. The bill, known as the Pakistan State Sponsor of Terrorism Designation Act has been moved by Republican Ted Poe and Democrat Dana Rohrabacher. Dana is a ranking member of the influential Congressional Committee on Terrorism.

Ted Poe, who is chairman of the House Sub committee on Terrorism, said Pakistan is not only an untrustworthy ally but has also aided and abetted enemies of the US for years. He said it is time the US stopped paying Pakistan for its betrayal and designate it a state sponsor of terrorism. Poe said from harboring Osama bin Laden to its relationship with the Haqqani network, there is more than enough evidence to determine whose side Pakistan is on in the War on Terror.

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Reacting to the bill BJP spokesperson Nalin Kohli said this shows the world has now realised that Pakistan is a terrorist state:

If US lawmakers are moving a resolution to declare it as a terrorist state, it is a conformation of the reality and the fact that the global community is now reaching its limit in terms of Pakistan and its involvement with terrorism, using terrorism as a state policy.


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