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The protection of Waqf is our religious duty

The protection of Waqf is our religious duty

If, God forbid, the Waqf Law is enacted, Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind will knock on the doors of the court against it

Peaceful protest for one’s rights is every citizen’s democratic right

The fight is not between Hindus and Muslims, but between communalism and secularism: Maulana Arshad Madani

by Fazlur Rahman Qasmi
Press Secretary
Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind, New Delhi

New Delhi: 09 March, 2025 /Press Release:
Supporting the protest demonstration of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board and other national organizations at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on March 13 against the Waqf Amendment Bill, Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind President Maulana Arshad Madani said that Muslims are being forced to come out the streets to reclaim their rights.

He said that for the past twelve years, Muslims have shown great patience and tolerance. However, now, when the concerns of Muslims regarding Waqf properties are being disregarded, and an unconstitutional law is being forcibly imposed, there remains no other option but to protest. He emphasized that peaceful protest for one’s religious rights is the democratic right of every citizen in the country.

Maulana Madani further stated that since the introduction of the Waqf Amendment Bill, we have been making every possible effort in a democratic manner to convince the government that Waqf is a purely religious matter.

Waqf properties are donations made by our ancestors for the welfare of the community, and therefore, we cannot tolerate any government interference in them. He mentioned that there was also a pretense of referring the bill to a joint parliamentary committee, and the suggestions and advice of opposition party members were rejected.

He pointed out that in the fourteen amendments made, crafty provisions were inserted that would ease the government’s control over Waqf properties.

Maulana Madni also said that from the very beginning, we have maintained that Muslims cannot accept any law that changes the nature of Waqf or the intent of the donor (Waqif), as Waqf is a religious obligation established by the Qur’an and Hadith.

He said that in the working committee meeting of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind on 12th February 2025, it was decided that if, God forbid, the new Waqf law is passed, all state units of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind will challenge this law in their respective state high courts.

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Additionally, Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind will also approach the Supreme Court with the confidence that justice will be served, as courts remain the final recourse for us.

He stated that we cannot accept any law that goes against Shariah. Muslims cannot compromise on their Shariah at all, as this is a matter of their rights, not just their existence.

The current government wants to take away the rights granted to Muslims by the country’s constitution by bringing a new Waqf Amendment Act.

Along with fighting the law, Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind will also use all democratic and constitutional means with Muslims, other minorities, and justice-loving people.

While supporting the proposed protest demonstration, Maulana Madani said that when every path to justice is blocked, what other option remains?

He also mentioned that the constitution of this country has granted citizens the right to protest within the boundaries of the law. We are going to protest to reclaim the rights and powers granted to us by the constitution. By enacting laws like the Waqf Amendment Bill, there is an attempt to infringe upon these very constitutional rights.

Maulana Madani emphasized that this is not just an issue for Muslims, but for all justice-loving citizens of the country. Now, it must be decided whether the country will be ruled according to the constitution and law or according to the will and desires of any individual, group, or party.

A majority in parliament cannot mean that you can bring a law of your choice and take away the right to live from a religious minority, or deprive people of their rights.

Maulana Madani said that the parties in the government, which call themselves secular and in whose success Muslims have also played a part, we have made efforts to make them realize, through holding “Protection of Constitution” conferences at various places, that what is happening is very wrong.

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However, now even the central cabinet has approved it, which clearly means that these parties have openly supported this bill. Maulana Madani said that this is a betrayal of the Muslims, and at the same time, these people are also playing with the country’s constitution and laws.

These parties value their own political interests more than the secular constitution of the country and the Muslims. Therefore, the parties that claim secularism are equally responsible for what is happening in the country today.

By assisting openly in pushing the country toward destruction and ruin, their role is far more dangerous than that of the communal forces because they are acting like friends while stabbing in the back.

He appealed to people to join the demonstration in large numbers to not only make it successful but also to show their awareness and commitment to the community’s cause.

Maulana Madani concluded by saying that, undoubtedly, sectarianism and the hatred based on religion have made the country’s situation extremely dangerous, but we should not lose hope.

The encouraging thing is that, despite all the conspiracies, the majority of the country is against sectarianism. We are a living nation, and living nations do not remain at the mercy of circumstances; rather, they change the course of events through their character and actions.

This is a difficult time for us, and therefore, we should never lose our faith, patience, hope, and determination at any point. Time does not always remain the same. Nations continuously face trials.

Muslims did not come into this world to perish. Muslims have survived in these conditions for over fourteen hundred years and will continue to live until the Day of Judgment.

We did not bow before the tyranny and oppression of the British; we chose to kiss the noose of the gallows. Now, no power can make us bow down. A Muslim only bows his head before one Allah.

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