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Tariff & Readership

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(in Rs.) (in Rs.)
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Half Page (wide-23.5 x 18 cm) 18,000/- 50,000/-
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Visiting Card size (9.5 x 5.8 cm) 3,000/- 10,000/-
Rates are negotiable……….

Language: English , Hindi and Urdu
Printing: Front and Back – 4 Colours , Inside pages – B&W
No. of Pages: 12 pages (more in future)
Price: Rs. 3/-
Print order: 25,000
Periodicity: Weekly
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Note: 50% extra for back page, 100% extra for front page
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Readership of TIMES OF PEDIA

1. All central government offices in Delhi
2. All embassies in Delhi
3. All state houses in Delhi
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7. All MLAs (Delhi Government)
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