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Rajnath Singh reaches Islamabad for SAARC HMs meeting

Rajnath Singh reaches Islamabad for SAARC HMs meeting

Home Minister Rajnath Singh has reached Islamabad this evening to attend the 7th Meeting of the SAARC Home Ministers tomorrow.

Before his departure to Pakistan, the Minister said that the two day conference provides a platform to discuss issues relating to security. He also said he is looking forward to underscore the importance of meaningful cooperation within the region against terrorism and organised crime.

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The meeting is preceded by the SAARC Interior/Home Secretaries which is being held in Islamabad today. Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi is leading the Indian delegation in the meeting today.

Mr Singh, 65, is the first senior Indian minister to visit the country since the attack on the Pathankot air base in January, which was blamed on terrorists from Pakistan.

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Mr Singh reached Islamabad amid protests by terrorists like Hizbul Mujahideen chief Syed Salauddin, who had warned the Pakistan government against welcoming the Indian home minister.

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