Home » News » Pak calls for legally-binding plan to implement two-state solution for ME
Pak calls for legally-binding plan to implement two-state solution for ME

Pak calls for legally-binding plan to implement two-state solution for ME

UNITED NATIONS, April 19 (APP): Criticizing the Israeli leadership for “fast closing” the prospects of peace with the Palestinians, Pakistan has called on the UN Security Council to adopt a legally-binding plan to implement the internationally agreed two-state solution and take steps to enforce it.

Speaking in a Security Council debate on the situation in the Middle East (ME) Monday, Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi said Israel was “willfully” thwarting the possibility of resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through its policy of expanding settlements, demolitions and incitement, accompanied by the refusal to engage in a meaningful dialogue to implement the two state solutions, rendering the prospects of peace “abysmal”.

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“Unless the Israeli Government agrees to resume the implementation of the two state solution, halts and reverses its policy of expanding settlements, the UN Security Council must, in accordance with its mandate and its own resolutions, adopt a concrete and legally binding plan to implement the two state solutions and take the necessary measures for its enforcement,” the Pakistani envoy added.

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