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JUH President calls for resolving the sectarian differences among the community

JUH President calls for resolving the sectarian differences among the community

Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind’s 2-day general session concludes in Ajmer

Muslims won’t tolerate any interference in Islamic Shariah, say scholars


Ajmer: , Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind President Maulana Mohammad Usman Mansurpuri said that there is a need to paper over the sectarian differences among the community as the communal forces are trying to exploit these to defame Islam and Shariah.He was addressing  33rd general session of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind in the backdrop of Uniform Civil Code and Triple Talaaq controversy here yesterday.He  said any interference   in the Muslim Personal Law will not be tolerated as it amounts to infringement of fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution.Maulana exhorted the Jamiat members and followers to attach themselves with the four lineage of the Sufism. He said the decision to hold 33rd Jamiat session in Ajmer Sharif was to give a universal message of Islam against terrorism and communalism as Hazrat Khawja Moinuddin Chishti always stood for these ideals.

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Echoing his views, Jamiat Secretary General and ex MP Maulana Syed Mahmood Madani raised doubts on government’s intention over Uniform Civil Code and the issue of triple talaaq. He said there is complete unity and unanimity among the Muslims on the issue of Shariah as no one will tolerate any meddling in their religious matter.  However, he urged the Uelma, who gathered here from every nook and corner of the country, to work for social reform and bring positive change in the society. He said it was Islam which gave the concept of divorce ( Talaaq) to the world, but it is unfortunate that it has been pilloried.

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Maulana Madani also called for forging unity with Dalits and backward classes as they have been still subjected to caste cruelty in the country. It is the duty of Muslim to spread the Islamic message of brotherhood, he added .


Sajjada nashin of Dargha Sirhind, Khawja Syed Sadiq Huassian and president of Ahle-Sunnat wal Jamaat (North) Khawja Junaid also addressed the Jamait session and exhorted for unity and harmony among the community. Besides this, Jamaal leaders, Maualan Nadim Siddiqui, Maulana Mateenul- haq, Osama,Niyaz Ahmad Farooqui and others also spoke on the occasion. More than 10 thousand Ulema gathered here to attend the session which assumes significance in the present situation.

Azeemullah Siddiqi

Media incharge Jamiat Ulama-I-Hind


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