The Anti Muslim Tirade ; Why and How The Indian Muslims ( IM ) Fight “The Fire Of Hate” –

Najmuddin Ahmad Farooqi
The longest serving CM of state of Gujarat unchallenged and unopposed Mr Narendra Modi won 2014 general elections banked on his own legacy of one of the bravest Hindus of ‘Hindutva clan’ in the country (the public perception that in Gujarat 2002 the unforgettable lesson taught to Indian Muslims (IM) was good enough to win him a huge mandate in 2014).
The most hated and the most loved at the same time Modi is also the most powerful PM of India. In an strategic move a full fledged campaign is on to project PM Modi an ultra nationalist dedicated and fully committed to see India becoming world’s number one economy.
The political opponents and the adversaries who believe BJP’s coming to power not good for the people of India they could have done that more effectively informing the voters about the self contradictory successive manifestos of BJP.
According to Collins dictionary; manifesto is a “written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives or views of a political party”.
The national party BJP claims a high moral ground and the principled stand they take on the issues of national importance and hence they encompass higher degree of accountability and reliability to the people of India.
Thus party’s policies and program implementation should reverberate their intentions and motives as per the order of the preface of manifestos.
Generally people don’t read manifestos even the defeated political partymen may not show an interest to read. Looking at the Manifestos the most visible difference between 2014 and 2019 is the cover of documents.
The earlier was about a team of stalwarts while later one is all about PM Modi . Predictably, as the tone of the party’s campaign in the run up to the general elections 2024 suggested, there was more nationalistic overtones in the document, about national security, dealing with terrorism, preventing illegal immigration in north-eastern states.
1. Preface of BJP Manifesto 2014:
Table of contents total items 1 to 42
2. Preface of BJP Manifesto 2019:
Table of contents total items 1 to 40.
The following paras ‘A’ & ‘B’ briefly discuss the contradictions between the Prefaces of BJP’s manifestos 2014 and 2019 :
A. 2014: “A Pledge – Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Vibrant and Participatory Democracy Empowered and Inspired People Inclusive and Sustainable Development involved Women Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas۔ BJP believes that in India’s ‘Unity in Diversity’ lies India’s biggest strength.
We cherish the depth and vibrancy that the diversity in Indian society adds to the nation. BJP is thus committed to preservation of rich culture and heritage of India’s minority communities alongside their social and economic empowerment.”
Although Congress and BJP in their intentions ideology and views are poles apart yet a number of pledges mentioned in the preface have striking resemblance with Congress’s program and policies.
Most of the programs mentioned in the beginning of manifesto 14 are an attempt to build up public perception on the failures of Congress government vis a vis “Price Rise, Corruption, Black Money, Policy paralysis, Poor Delivery, Credibility Crisis, Reform the system.
SC ST OBC weaker Sections, Social Justice Empowerment minority welfare and equal opportunities for Minorities”. Surprisingly, “National Security Secure Indians Zero Tolerance on Terrorism, Extremism and Crime Internal Security External Security” was at back seat at 37 to 39.
Seemingly National Security was not paramount for BJP in 2014 campaign probably because the party agreed with diligent handling of National security matters by Manmohan Singh government. Yet maintained that the decisive leadership of Mr Modi has fundamentally altered national security paradigm in the last five years.
B. 2019 : No CCC in 2014 nor in 19 probably the campaign of 2024 Elections reminded BJP to raise the pitch. Missing in 2014 CAB was back in business soon after formation of govt in 19. No mention of Ram Mandir, Kashi, Mathura in 14 while only Ram Mandir returned in 19.
Minority welfare seems to be a ‘preferred affair’ for BJP on both occasions it was placed at reasonable priority. Nevertheless BJP says “omission of an issue from the manifesto does’nt mean the party has dropped the idea”.
The pan Modi camp vociferously believes that it is only he who can safeguard the national interests, security and sovereignty. Media plays key making the task easier.
Maintaining an unimaginable connect with a section of people who continue to believe in Modi’s stewardship, military para military forces and the state law enforcing agencies are best trained equipped and geared up to scuttle any military aggression or attempted infiltration by extremists, terror groups from a foreign soil or home grown terror (Islamic/ Muslim)۔
The first overt sign of BJP’s double speak is the violation of PM’s significant oft repeated slogan “Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas aur sabka vishwas”. Violated every other day either by the party cadres Hindu Brigades or the so called right wing criminals that can be witnessed in any part of the country.
Growing anti IM tirade spear headed by the Hindutva Brigades in the form of provocative hate speeches, calls for social and economic boycott display of naked arms merciless beating and torturing of the innocent people belonging to IM young and old alike are becoming order of the day.
The most cowardly criminal act perpetrated by these outfits is to record videos of crime scenes and circulate them on SM to frighten the target audience. Ironically at times the law and order machinery and police go soft on the actual culprits or turn blind eye to please their political bosses.
On the contrary in number of incidents police use excessive force against a particular section of people and act discriminately. A burning example is Manipur’s genocidal incidents of unimaginable magnitude mass murders parading helpless naked women in full public view rapes violence burning looting plenty of Churches and properties worth billions.
The worst casualty is the total failure of state machinery and silence of PM who spoke after more than two months of the dastardly inhuman acts. Another brutal and horrific hate crime that has taken place in Maharashtra on a running train when RPF Hindu Jawan fired his gun from close range on four men three of them were Muslims after identifying them from facial outlook and costumes.
The recent riots and the aftermath in Nuh Haryana are still fresh in the memories of victims and the eye witnesses a thorough probe by an independent agency is imminent. It’s a wake up call for the government to take firm and decisive action against the guilty put them behind the bars and ensure that they are punished appropriately.
The government should have zero tolerance for the guilty of hate crimes. Nevertheless the think tank and a section of intelligentsia among IM don’t indict the top BJP functionaries nor find any reason to consider the government being culpable or complicit.
But yes the government is content look the other way. On the political front in the run up to 2024 party project PM Modi a true icon of Nationalism and for him agenda of utmost priority is growth and development leaving no stone unturned for Bharat to become world number one economy۔
The history of communal riots is not new and dates back to pre independent India. A look at the documents uncovers a truth that accounts nearly eighty percent of total reported casualties belonged to IM. More shocking revelation, majority (80%) of arrests also belonged to people of same community.
Is that a coincidence ? Or was that a design to frighten destroy and malign the people of a particular faith ? Even today a random survey of the people languishing in jails will restrengthen the truth. The promises made by Modi government for protection of minority rights or the welfare schemes are so far unfulfilled or partially fulfilled.
Another spine chilling account is the demolition drives conducted at the behest of the government on residential and commercial establishments most of them were built 30 to 40 years ago predominantly belonging to IM.
The intention of the state governments behind this draconian act is jeopardized۔ As per authorities the demolitions carried out were encroachments and the constructions built on illegal lands.The intentions and the urgency shown in initiating the actions bypassing the due process of law tell a different story altogether.
A different version or undeclared official communique that the exercise is a punitive action against those found guilty in communal riots. If that is the case, question arises; Is there a provision in the law that justifies the action ? For criminal act of an individual, are the other family members also liable for punishment ?
Apparently these actions are nothing else but blatant misuse of authority high-handedness discrimination denying the victims their fundamental rights surpassing all unethical and moral turpitude. All this takes place at the cost of unimaginable trauma and anguish of already an economically starved community in India come lowest in per capita income much behind the PCI of scheduled castes.
Inequitable distribution of compensation among the riot or other victims is another serious anomaly and a blatant discrimination against IM showing insensitivity of the authorities to the constitutional provision of social equality. No one has the answer which direction are we heading ?
How long the saner voices in IM think tank and intellectuals maintain silence ? The above is the state of affairs of IM during BJP’s rule so far. Now let us have a look on the promises made by BJP in their manifesto for minorities affairs and their welfare, in the following two Paras I & II (from Preface of manifesto 2014) I. “It is unfortunate that even after several decades of independence, a large section of the minority, and especially IM continue to be stymied in poverty.
Modern India must be a nation of equal opportunity. BJP is committed to ensure that all the communities are equal partners in India’s progress, as we believe India cannot progress if any segment of Indians is left behind. Strengthen and modernize minority educational systems and institutions; dovetailing them with modern requirements”. Ii. “Empower with vibrancy in Livelihood and Entrepreneurial opportunities.
Augment their traditional artisanship and entrepreneurial skill”. “Empower Waqf Boards in consultation with religious leaders; taking steps to remove encroachments and unauthorized occupation of Waqf properties. Curate their rich heritage and culture maintenance”.
A wise person listens to others for understanding their feelings and perspective and this is the first step in building up a congenial atmosphere conducive to a friendly dialogue that eventually leads to peace and social harmony. If a political party that follows a philosophy characterised by authoritarian views motives and intolerance towards the opposing voices come to power at the first instance and accordingly rewrite a history resonating the political ideology of ruling class and serve their political interest.
Often a question disturbs us how on earth the excesses perpetrated by Muslim rulers during mediaeval period are attributable to successive Muslim generations ? and the answer to that is the hindutva clan capitalised the ideological polarization existed among considerable Hindu population, simmering for past several decades.
For providing legitimacy to the rightist ideology a political wing by the name Jansangh came into existence which was later renamed and became Bhartiya Janta Party. During all these years the hindutva forces together with their political wing engaged and worked hard managing the pot of insult hate and vengeance keep boiling in the hearts of Hindus particularly the upper castes.
With the passage of time communal polarization gained momentum and got intensified following Kashmir terrorism and that has given rise to Islamophobia. BJP was eventually the political beneficiary of all the events unfolded during the period and since then came a long way after all before forming a majoritarian government in 2014.
Probably in retaliation to the politics of hate and with an intent to counter the malicious anti Muslim propaganda days before the 77th Independence day a large number of messages came in wide circulation on SM from IM.
Signifying the roles of Muslim leaders scholars and Maulvis during freedom struggle highlighting their exemplary sacrifices and contributions, the intent behind those messages is also a testimony on behalf of IM to assure the nation that they love their motherland and loyal to her as any other Indian do.
Though sadly mistaken they are or possibly not fully judged the ground reality. Today hindutva can trigger, polarization instantly by touch of the button of Islamophobia. Many of us are under the illusion that the growing hate and mistrust is the failure that we haven’t reached out to our Hindu brethren to convey the message of Holy Quran and the prophetic (pbuh) teachings ? Answer is big “NO”.
Please come out of this illusion immediately. If you do, it wouldn’t only be a disservice to Islam and the Nation but may also lands you in trouble and that would ultimately be counterproductive to the larger cause. About the street protests notwithstanding the fact the constitution permits for peaceful protests but the time does not.
An advise to IM please sit in the spectator’s gallery leaving the first row watch the political upheavals rise and the fall. Keep your fingers crossed and never forget patience is the key maintain peace and social harmony. Please never ever forget 1.40 billion Indians are one family. Malice for none.
I conclude here by saying instead of highlighting past roles of ancestors why not endeavour to win the hearts of fellow countrymen. Possibly Muslim role during freedom struggle diluted owing to the perception among the fellow Indians that not only the Muslims crossed over but a considerable number of those stayed back were also in favour of partition.
Moreover today when a majority is not ready to recognise the services, sufferings and the sacrifices of Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Nehru and many more rendered similar services for the sake of independence, acknowledgement of contribution of Muslims is a far distant reality.
Primarily it is advisable to do our soul searching and identifying the grey areas aiming to improve before we begin the Project; “Bridging the Gulf”. Following illustrative “DOS” and “DONT’S” are addressed exclusively to IM. Hopefully adherence to these norms might help douse “The Fire of Hate” and open many new avenues of hope to 1.40 billion Indians in the times to come.
•Have firm belief and faith in Oneness of Allah (The Creator and Destroyer), Quran and Sunnah. Don’t worry for Islam, was never in danger neither it is today and nor it would be till the day of judgement.
•Remember fire can’t extinguish🧯fire, fight it with love and compassion.
•Understand follow and fulfill the responsibilities before claiming the rights
•Take extra care to respect Religious texts beliefs and sentiments of followers of other religions
•Befriend with Hindu/ Sanatan Community without any consideration of Caste distinction
•Treat Hindu women like Mothers and Sisters
•Be a part of National mainstream
•Learn to forgive and forget, don’t waste a moment to accept if you are at fault or made a mistake and say sorry immediately
•Try to be moderate progressive flexible polite and compassionate in all spheres of life
•Behave on SM sensibly & carefully, never forward a message without verifying the facts
•Don’t hesitate to engage with the government irrespective of political affiliation / District Administration and other Centre or state authorities whenever needed
•Ensure enrollment/ registration of all eligible persons in the family in the Electoral Roll of India. Check online atleast twice a year on ECI website whether your and your family’s name exist if not please contact the Booth level officer (BLO) of your area or apply online ECI website
•Vote for the party/candidate of your choice to whom you trust
•You may approach municipal authorities for maintenance cleanliness and hygiene in around the area where you live. However form a team of your mohalla people who can also take care of cleanliness and hygiene
•One of the important task is the necessity to understand the ancient Indian ethos culture and values and follow them as far as possible unkess clash with the basic tenets of Islam
•Fire can’t douse a Fire; Hate can’t kill hate
•Hindus never like your intervention in their caste system in any manner similarly as you don’t want their’s in your sectarian differences
•Never ever make a joke or mockery of any Devi Devta Sculptures or Customs etc.
•Even if a section of Hindu society considers Cow sacred or mother you may also treat Indian Cow a gentle and respected animal never kill or hurt her
•Don’t propagate Islam among Non Muslims and Hindus in particular
•Say no to inter religious marriage please
•you are no authority to judge people by their castes faith or religion. Treat all human beings as equal
•If you don’t have good knowledge and confidence don’t speak at public places / tv debates etc. Specially avoid debates on religion culture and politics
•If you want to protect the holiness of Quran and Prophetﷺ avoid propagating the teachings among non Muslims anymore