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Genocide of Rohingya Muslims highly condemnable – Jamaat-e-Islami Hind

Genocide of Rohingya Muslims highly condemnable – Jamaat-e-Islami Hind


Jamaat urges UNO, OIC, world bodies and Govt of India to pressurize Burmese govt to stop killings and restore their citizenship rights,

Also demands Suu Kyi to break her silence over the massacre


New Delhi, 06 Sept. 2017: Jamaat-e-Islami Hind has expressed great concern and has condemned the recent violence, massacre and genocide of Rohingya Muslims in Burma. In a statement the Ameer (President) of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umari has said: “The Rohingya Muslims of the Rakhine area of Myanmar are facing extreme oppression and ethnic-cleansing. On the one hand the nationalist Buddhists are attacking them and on the other hand the Burmese army is making them the target of their violence and suppression. In the month of August alone more than 90,000 Rohingya Muslims were forced to take refuge in Bangladesh where they are living in extremely helpless and trying conditions’’.

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Expressing sadness and grief over this despicable human tragedy President of Jamaat has demanded the United Nations, the OIC and various human rights organizations to pressurize the Burmese government to stop killing their own countrymen, to restore their citizenship, to remove all restrictions on their travel and to focus on their social and economic upliftment.


Maulana Umari has expressed surprise over the silence of the Foreign Minister and State Counsellor of Burma and Nobel Peace prize winner, Aung San Suu Kyi over the massacre and genocide of Rohingya Muslims and demanded that she change her stand and position on this issue. He has also reminded the Government of India to talk to the Burmese Government on this issue and pressurize them to restore the constitutional and citizenship rights of the Rohingya Muslims.Regarding the Rohingya Muslims who have taken refuge in India, President of Jamaat has demanded that the Indian government should continue allowing them to stay in India as refugees till as time their constitutional and citizenship rights are not restored in Myanmar.

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