(Chair in Islamic Studies & Research, Yenepoya (Deemed to be) University, Mangalore)
24 Ramada 2025
Excerpts (24) from
Fasting (Saum)
Like Salāh, fasting (Saum) has immense physical, mental, spiritual and social benefits. Fasting of one kind or the other is prescribed in almost all the religions of the world. It symbolises self-sacrifice, devotion, discipline, patience, control, generosity and purification.
Fasting of all kinds has a soothing and purifying effect on the body, mind and soul. In Islam however, it becomes a much more comprehensive and organised exercise.
Islamic fasting is directly related to the beginning of the revolution of Islam. Its observance in the month of Ramadhan marks the beginning of the revelation of the wondrous verses of God to Muhammad (Peace be upon him!), Qur’ān being the collection of these messages.
This also means that it also marks the beginning of Ambassador Muhammad’s (PBUH) mission. This is why, there are strenuous efforts to recite the whole of Qur’ān, at least once, in the month of Ramadhan; people do it individually as well as collectively.
This refreshes the whole mission in the minds of the followers. They get an annual reminder of what is expected from them, how they must conduct, and what is their ultimate mission: the Mission of Peace.
They are told in categorical terms that the best form of Jihād is Jihād against Nafs (the soul), which means fighting against one’s own evil tendencies and correcting one’s conduct as told by Islam. This is followed by an intellectual and ideological Jihād with the help of Qur’ān; and if forced by the enemies, then through armed fighting.
Islamic fasting is a perfectly organised and disciplined activity. It is obligatory on all Muslim adults to fast for the whole month of Ramadhan every year. Rules are precise. Nothing can be taken, not even water, during the fast that lasts the whole day.
Sleeping with wives is not permitted during the fast, but is allowed in the night after completion of the fast. Twenty nine or thirty fasts in continuation, along with an extraordinary emphasis on the spiritual enlightenment through recitation of Qur’ān, have a rectifying and purifying impact on the whole personality.
This is a sort of strict training period, which reconditions the body in favour of virtues, and against vices. It also helps a person to curtail his weight, increase his resistance and immunity, give up his addictions, and forsake his moral weaknesses.
After each Ramadhan, many people give up smoking and drinking, and become better Muslims. During Ramadhan, at least gambling and drinking show a steep decline in Muslim community.
In Muslims, especially in pure Islamic states, of course, the problems are almost nonexistent even in the ordinary days.
Fasting also brings with it the month of charity. People normally give up their obligatory Zakāh or charity in this month; and in addition give a special kind of charity or fitrah to the needy on or before Eid Day.
The month of fasting each year also reminds Muslims that though Jihād against self and through Qur’ān are the best in normal circumstances, in certain situations, armed Jihād becomes mandatory.
It was on the 17th of this month (2nd year of Hijra calendar. 13 March, 624 AD) that Muslims had been permitted to take up arms against the aggressors after a fourteen-year long period of patience against severe persecution.
Fasting month in Islam ends at Eid, the festival of thankfulness to God, peace, brotherhood and equality. The populace of the area gathers at one place to pay obeisance to God and listen to the sermon of Imam.
They hug one another, exchange visits and gifts, and help their poor brothers and sisters. Each one pays a certain minimal amount, Fitrah to the needy. At a larger scale, functions are organized to promote communal harmony, especially in areas where diverse religious communities cohabit.
Thus, the month of fasting relates to almost everything that the wholesome peace necessitates.
It strengthens physical, mental and spiritual health of individuals; increases their awareness and knowledge about the injunctions of God; involves practical steps to reduce economic disparities in society; promotes equality, brotherhood and communal harmony; and reminds the followers of Islam of their duty to combat acts of aggression against them, and those by the forces of evils against mankind.
Fasting in Qur’ān
In the Name of God, Kind-Merciful
The Month of Fasting
١٨٣- يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ ◯
People committed to (Islam)! Fasting is ordained to you in a similar way as was ordained to the people before you with the (singular) aim that you stay devoted (to God).1 (2: 183)
Medical Importance of Fasting
In short, Islamic fasting has the following features:
1. A full month every year is specified for fasting; fasting in other months is not obligatory.
2. Fasting is only for the day and the average duration of a fast varies from 11-16 hours, being obviously longer in summers.
3. During the period of fasting, no food or drink can be taken; sexual contacts are also not permitted.
4. The believers have been advised to take a wholesome food just before the start of the fasting time as well as immediately after the expiry of the fasting time.
5. During the month of fasting, food (lot of milk and fruits) rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals is preferred.
Fasting is also of great medical significance. Here are some important facts:
(i) It is important to note that fasting technically commences around the first twelve hours of the fast when the consumption of the stored carbohydrates begins. Once the fasting goes for a long enough period to consume all the stored carbohydrates and fats, the consumption of proteins starts.
This stage in fact signals the beginning of starvation. Islamic fasting being only about 11-16 hour long, it in fact has a minor depleting effect on the storage of the carbohydrate, and no starving effect at all.
But, with as many as 29-30 fasts in continuation, the net effect is some loss of stored carbohydrates. There is hardly any possibility of protein depletion, particularly because protein-rich diet is taken in plenty during the month.
(ii) Fasting is said to increase the process of detoxification. Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins. The elimination normally takes place through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph glands, and skin.
Fasting precipitates detoxification, as with no food entering the body, the accumulated fat starts getting used.
The utilization of fat releases harmful chemicals in the blood, which are then excreted through the above mentioned organs. Even harmful chemicals like DDT, which might have entered the body, are excreted.
(iii) Fasting is a natural healer, which is the likely reason why a person develops loss of appetite when ill.
(iv) Fasting has an Anti-Cancer role. Abnormal growths within the body are not protected to the extent the normal tissues are protected, and are therefore more likely to be autolysed in order to fulfil the energy needs of the body.
There has been growing evidence that fasting prevents cancers. Studies show that fasting reduces insulin growth factor (IGF-1) levels, a marker for increased cancer risk, boosts normal cells’ defenses and enhances autophagy, our body’s cellular housekeeping mechanism.
In 2016, Yoshinori Ohsumi won the Nobel Prize for his research on Autophagy, which has convinced the medical world more than before that fasting of Ramadan style reduces the risk of Cancer.
(v) Growth hormones are also known to be released more during fasting.
(vi) An anti-aging hormone is also released more rapidly. Researchers have argued that the only reliable method of increasing age is under-nutrition, without malnutrition. This is exactly what the Prophetic traditions prescribe.
(vii) During fasting, the energy consumption is reduced in the gastrointestinal system, and is partly diverted to the immune system strengthening its effectiveness.
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