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SDPI concluding it’s month long campaign; to hold PEOPLE’S PROTEST in Delhi on 29 April

SDPI concluding it’s month long campaign; to hold PEOPLE’S PROTEST in Delhi on 29 April


New Delhi 28 April 2017: Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) is about to conclude its national campaign Unite Against the Politics of Terror on 29th of April 2017. On account of the concluding program, the Party has scheduled a day long Dharna in the national capital.


Talking to the media persons, Party Vice President Adv. Sharfuddin said, with BJP in rule, the atmosphere of fear, insecurity is spread across the country, due to hate mongering, lynching, killing, and suppression of dissent, discrimination and polarization for electoral gains. Enaction of anti-people, anti-poor and pro-corporate policies by BJP Government is has turned all our lives miserable. Anarchy has been institutionalized as the rule of the government, police officials are being attacked with impunity and passersby are feeling unsafe, moral policing and cow vigilantes have made the life of the citizens’ hell. This situation and the RSS-BJPs anti-secular and anti-constitutional moves are nothing but the Political Terrorism which is aimed at destroying India’s Plurality.

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Party General Secretary ElyasThumbe said, in order to STOP this ongoing Politics of Terror taking India towards an undeclared ‘APARTHEID’, all peace loving Indians should unite and lead a struggle against the injustice and inhuman behavior of the government.


On the purpose of the campaign, General Secretary Mohammed Shafi said SDPI conducted the national campaign “UNITE AGAINST THE POLITICS OF TERROR”, and appealed all the citizenry, to join hands with the party to protect India’s Constitutional values.

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He further said, SDPI invited all to join this Campaign to STOP the ongoing Politics of Terror which is taking India towards an undeclared ‘APARTHEID’ and save India from the clutches of communal and fascist forces.


SDPI is holding a 1-Day DharnaPEOPLE’S PROTESTon account of conclusion of its National Campaign “Unite Against Politics of TERROR” On 29th April 2017 at 10AM at JantarMantar New Delhi.


Some of the prominent dignitaries who would be participating in the event are Mani Shankar Iyer, KC Tyagi, Kamal Faruqui, Tej Singh, Dr. Zafarul Islam Khan, Ashok Agarwal, Kavita Krishnan, Novaid Hamid, Dr. Anees Ahmed, TariqueSaddiqui, TasleemRehmani, A.C Michael, Fr. John Dayal, Ms. RajniTilakAshok Bharti and others.

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