A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Ministry of Women and Child Development Government of India and Invest India was signed here today to enhance co-operation in the thematic areas of Nutrition, Child Protection and Development, Women Empowerment and convergent capacity buildingin mission mode. The MoU was signed by Smt. Aditi Das Raut, joint Secretary, Ministry of WCD and Hindol Sengupta, Vice President, Invest India in the presence of Secretary WCD, Shri Ram Mohan Mishra.

Invest India Missions/EAP Desk will support the efforts of the Ministry of Women and Child Development instrategic and policy support, international cooperation, convergence, impact assessment, sustained behaviour change communication and in the creation of a participatory ecosystem geared towards creating large-scale impact.
To formulate, design and conduct strategic research for the Ministry of Women and Child Development, DRISHTI under Invest India will conduct input and output analysis research, and other researchas per requirement including coordinating with research agencies for primary, secondary and tertiary research.