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Home » Editorial & Articles » A SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF THE HOLY QUR’ĀN


Authored  Dr. Javed Jamil

(Chair in Islamic Studies & Research, Yenepoya (Deemed to be) University, Mangalore)

19th Ramadan 2025

Excerpts (19) from

Qur’ānic Philosophy: Philosophy of Relationship

In essence, Qur’ānic philosophy can be described as the philosophy of relationship: relationship between Creator and the Universe; between different components of the universe in general, between human beings and the rest of the universe, between humans and humans, and of course between God and human beings.

The very first verse of Qur’ān, “Al-Hamdu lillāhi rabbil ālamīn” (“The Acknowledgment (by the Universe) is in respect to God, the Lord of the Multi-World”) beautifully sums up the relationship between God and the Universe as a whole, which has been described as the First Law of Nature by this author.

God (Almighty Allah) supplies to the universe whatever it needs, and in response, the universe acknowledges and thanks Him in a special way through a specific kind of motion, motion being the most fundamental property of the created.

It is this combination of Rabubiyyat (Lordship) and Hamd (Acknowledgment) that created the universe and sustains it. If one or both of them ceases, the universe would cease functioning. It is on the basis of this verse that the author has argued that the universe has an existence as a whole as well, distinct from the role of its components, and Qur’ān describes the universe as a Mulk (State), clearly implying that the universe functions as a state, and is governed by a King, through a system of laws and Administrators/Executives.

Unlike the modern theories of Physics that do not subscribe any role to the universe as a whole, and either do not accept the role of God at all, or impart a role to God only at the beginning of the creation, Qur’ānic position is that God has a permanent role in the functioning of the universe as the unchallenged Sovereign and Governor General.

God is the Ultimate source of supply, not only of Physical materials, energy and laws; but is also the Ultimate Master of Knowledge, spiritual and social requirements, and whatever else is there.

The system God created for the universe is one of interdependence and relative existence, God being the Ultimate and Absolute Existence. The components of the universe exist relative to each other, and ultimately relative to God, Who alone is Absolute.

It is this interdependence on one another, within the boundaries of the universal laws created by God, which makes their existence, individual and collective, possible.

Human beings too depend upon the Laws of Nature and the objects surrounding them; but God has given a very special status to human beings, making it possible for them to use the energies coming from distant objects (like he Sun), atmosphere and material available to them on the Earth for their own comforts.

While all the objects of the universe follow the Laws of Nature created by God by inherent nature, man has been endowed with consciousness. He obeys or disobeys God consciously, using his own intelligence and judgment, rightly or wrongly, and this makes him the Final Product of the Creation.

Being the Final Product, he is expected to work in the best possible way out of his free will; and it is on the basis of his conduct and motives that he will be judged by God. The most important part of the human life is of course what kind of relationship he has with his fellow human beings.

If these relationships are in accordance with the commands of God, mankind as a whole will benefit in this world, and the individuals – they may or may not benefit in this world in materialistic sense – will surely benefit in the Hereafter.

Man, being inferior to none but God, is expected to worship none but God. If he worships his inferiors (objects of nature or other living beings), or equals–other human beings who can be respected for their qualities though– he is in a grave error.

This is to be added that while man can choose his plans and actions, the cells within his body and the organs work in accordance with the physical and biological laws determined by God.

Imān (Realization) and Islam (Submission)

Imān (or Realization) means the highest state of satisfaction and contentment that can be achieved only through complete Realization of God and His Message through Muhammad (PBUH), the Last of His Ambassadors, followed by total commitment to follow them.

Islam denotes peace at its best, which can be achieved only through total submission to God. Imān is more of a personal asset, while Islam is a system, having individual (including physical, mental, spiritual and social aspects), family and social components.

Joining Islam means to agree to the spiritual, social and moral system of Islam, in accordance with the commands of Qur’ān, and the example of the Last Prophet (PBUH). Developing Imān implies getting thoroughly convinced in heart and mind (Yaqīn or certitude) that there is none to submit to but God; and none to imitate but His Ambassadors, the last being Muhammad (PBUH).

The real Imān, as will be seen in the coming chapters, manifests itself in action in all parts of life. It follows that Imān is an inward realization of the Mandated Truth and conviction and commitment to follow it, and Islam is its outward expression at various levels.

Imān is more of “Realization” rather than “Belief” or “Faith”. Belief and Faith are subjective while Realization is Objective. Somebody’s belief in something does not indicate objective reality of that thing.

The foremost duty in Islam, which is in effect the primary condition to enter the System, is Imān. Imān has three essential components. First, one must attain Realization and be totally convinced in one’s heart, mind and soul that the Universe has been created and is governed by a Supreme Being, and that He has guided mankind through His Ambassadors and Scriptures.

Second, one must be totally committed and devoted to God and His system, and must be ready to put one’s best into it. Third, one must be fully satisfied with whatever one gets out of that devotion. Realization is the foundation stone of the edifice of peace.

Without it, neither a good individual nor a good family or society can emerge. Imān is the fragrance that exhilarates the inside of the soul as well as its surroundings. Imān of an individual is sine qua non for his/her inner peace, and Imān of the majority of the people constituting a nation or society is sine qua non for peace in the nation or society.

Note: Those who are interested in having the book can contact What’s App Number 91-8130340339 or doctorforu123@yahoo.com

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